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GPS Tracking

About MyFleet’s GPS Tracking Service

MyFleet has harnessed the capabilities of global positioning system (GPS) technology to provide invaluable information about any or all vehicles in a fleet. Once GPS Tracking has been installed, you’ll wonder how you ever effectively managed your fleet without it.

The web-based reporting and monitoring options available with GPS Tracking are impressive. Here are just a few examples.

The Benefits of GPS Tracking

MyFleet’s GPS Tracking is designed to keep you informed about and help you better manage your drivers and your fleet.
Apart from establishing where any vehicle is, at a glance, GPS Tracking can also assist you to, for example:

In addition, by being alerted to unusual events, action can be taken to prevent an incident from disrupting operations or developing into a situation that is difficult to control.

As with all of our fleet management services, access to GPS Tracking is via our website. This allows you to monitor vehicle movements not only from your office but from anywhere with wireless internet connectivity – from home, in the car, on a train, even from overseas. Convenience and accurate reporting makes MyFleet’s GPS Tracking an indispensable tool for allocators, planners and fleet managers.

Contact MyFleet today for more information about our GPS Tracking service.

Telephone: 02 4925 2333