The capabilities of trailer tracking devices provide several benefits to a fleet’s management systems. Whether it is keeping track of loads carried by sub-contractors, obtaining accurate maintenance information, or simply making sure no trailers go missing, a trailer tracking system helps to open the overall visibility of your fleets operations.

A trailer tracker device needs to be reliable in order to make this solution work. To improve how often a device reports in as expected, MyFleet worked in improving the device availability rate and we are proud to confirm our devices have a 99.84% availability rate over a 12-month period; a significant improvement over the 92.5% average industry rate in a 12 month period.

MyFleet Solutions to Traditional Trailer Tracker Issues

To achieve this success, we worked on the following main issues:

If you have had problems with trailer trackers in the past, MyFleet have the reliable solution you need. Give us a call now to arrange your free trial and test our solution.

MyFleet Trailer Tracker